Thames Explorer VR Pust your mask and dive in to discover what's hiding beneath the Thames' surface.

The Brief

As part of its Mother Thames initiative, ZSL worked with Somewhere Else with a view of creating a permanent installation alongside the Thames to raise awareness of its thriving ecosystem.

Our Approach

We created an underwater adventure where the user embodies a ZSL Conservation Team diver with a mission to identify iconic species living below the surface.

For the delivery, we partnered with Timescope to install a permanent outdoor VR terminal on the Southbank which will allow passers-by to experience this virtual dive for a entire year, 24/7.



Lead Developer  Dimitris Doukas

Production & Creative Direction  BYO

Hardware  Timescope



Road to Cardiff Most of us will never play the Champions’ League final and lift the famous trophy. This is the next best thing. view project
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